Review: Superdrug Superfruits Exfoliating Mask

This review is a bit unorthodox for me, as it's actually a product that's only available at the UK drugstore, Superdrug (or online at, although I imagine the shipping wouldn't be worth it, giving that this product is only .99 pounds!), but I liked the product so much that I felt like I just had to take some time to write a quick review. I actually purchased this mask, along with a few other skincare items, when I was visiting London back in April, but given that I tend to acquire way more skincare and cosmetics items than I really need, it took until today when I was shopping my stash for me to remember that I had purchased it. Right now, I'm approaching that time of the month and my face has to decided to resemble a pizza more than porcelain, and I'm sick of it, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the Superfruits Exfoliating Mask just waiting to be used! Even though I know that the mask probably won't make my hormonal acne disappear, I knew it would feel really nice to pamper my skin a bit until it heals.

What attracted me to this product to begin with was the fact that it was paraben free, and as you know, I recently (well, technically it's been almost two years now), threw out or gave away all of my cosmetics and skin-care items that contained parabens. I've also been transitioning to fully natural and organic makeup, although I am allowing myself to use up the non-organic products that I have since I spent a pretty penny on everything. With that said, I'm pretty picky about the ingredients in products I use, so I was really happy to see that this mask was safe!

When I ripped it open this morning, the first thing that hit me was the delicious berry scent -- I could have eaten the mask (I held myself back, don't worry). The second thing I liked was the thick consistency! When I use a mask, I like to really feel like it's a mask, scary-green-monster look and all. So seeing that this was that nice thick, almost clay-like consistency made me happy. You could also tell that it was packed with strawberry seeds as the main exfoliator, and it was purple in color, almost as if the blueberries and raspberries had been smashed together.

I probably used about half of the packet to create a nice thick layer all over my face, avoiding the immediate eye area, and I let it sit and harden for about 10 minutes (the package said you could leave it on for 5-10 minutes). I then used some warm water to gently rub the dried mask into my face while rinsing it off and then patted dry, and I loved the results! I definitely think my skin looked more luminescent, and in the areas not spocked with zits, my skin felt ultra smooth and even a bit tighter than usual. The mask didn't make my skin feel red or irritated, as many exfoliating masks can. And the best part was remembering that I had enough left in the packet to use the mask again in about a week! All for just about US$2!

Again, I recognize that this product isn't something that's easy to come by if you live in the US, but if you're ever in the UK and stop by a Superdrug, pick up a handful of these affordable and effective masks. They also come in a number of other varieties -- I also picked up the cooling cucumber mask, which I have yet to try, but will review when I do (although it doesn't appear to be sold on the Web site like the other varieties). If you live in the UK and have also tried this mask, let us know what you thought below.

Until next time....!


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