100% Pure Makeup and Skin care haul!

100% Pure has been on my radar for a while now, but since their products aren't readily available near me in a retail setting (ULTA carries a very small selection of their bath and body products) I was always a little leery of trying them out (I'm totally a see it, smell it, touch it kind of consumer). A few weeks ago, though, LivingSocial was offering a deal of $50 worth of 100% Pure cosmetics for $25, so I found my excuse to explore the brand and bought it!

100% Pure is a really interesting natural and organic brand. All of their cosmetics get their colors from fruit and vegetable pigments, and are guaranteed to be free from synthetic chemicals, fragrances, dyes and detergents. I'm amazed sometimes when I read the ingredients lists of other supposed "natural" brands of cosmetics and see that they are still filled with harmful ingredients. 100% Pure really lives up to its name and delivers products you can literally feel 100% comfortable and confident using on your skin.

For my first purchase with this brand I decided to sample one cosmetics item, one skin care item and one bath item for variety. I wound up purchasing their Coffee Bean eye cream, Healthy Skin Foundation and 8-piece soap gift set (the total was $80 before using my $50 Living Social deal, so certainly not cheap, but also not ridiculously expensive when you consider the price of many higher-end cosmetics lines). Although I will do a full review on each product after I have had more time to use them, I wanted to share some of my initial thoughts:

Firstly, the Coffee Bean Caffeine eye cream smells DELICIOUS if you are a coffee lover like me. Even the smallest dollop gives off a rich, coffee scent, and that's partially because 100% Pure uses concentrated ingredients in their products. It felt so great to know that I was smelling REAL coffee and not a company's manufactured coffee scent. The same can be said for the soap set. I was absolutely blown away with how delicious each one smelled. One after the other, they made me just want to jump into the shower over and over again to try each one out (I held back!). The foundation is the one item that didn't have a scent, despite being made with superfruits (which would have made me think it would have a berry fragrance). Initially, I thought this was a product I might have to return -- I have combination skin, which typically looks dry but produces lots of t-zone oil throughout the day -- and when I first applied a pump to the back of my hand, I noticed that it immediately settled into the wrinkles of my hand skin. When I went to try it on my face, I remembered this and thought to use it with a primer, but unfortunately, it still looked very crepe-y on my skin. I don't want to give away everything here since I will do a full review of the product, so for now I'll just say that I wound up mixing a pump of the foundation with a squirt of tinted moisturizer and the world is good again. :)

Please stay tuned for full reviews of these products in the coming weeks, and in the meantime, if you'd like to visit 100% Pure's web site you can do so here: www.100percentpure.com. (P-S: I am not affiliated with 100% Pure, they are not paying me for anything, and I am not using any affiliate links!)


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