After my quick, one-week stint with the skin care products (I've since purchased the Cream Cleanser, which I still adore), I was given the opportunity to do a more thorough review of a number of the items in the "color cosmetics" (aka makeup) line. And, to be honest, I've procrastinated on writing this post (and the one that will follow in a few days), because my opinions of the products have changed a lot as I used them! I found myself really liking something one day, only to find a flaw the next, and then, after some additional practice with it, changed my mind again. I wanted to wait and write the posts when I felt like I'd really landed on a firm opinion backed by a few months of putting the products to use.
In today's post, I'm going to cover the "face" range. As always, reviewing face products can be a little tough, because we all have different skin types and concerns, so I've done my best to lay out who each of these products would work best for. If you've tried one or more of them, I encourage you to add your feedback in the comments section below!
1) Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer - $42
This product is great for a few different kinds of people - women who don't typically like to wear a lot of makeup or women who generally have even, clear skin and just want a tint of coverage, along with protective SPF. It delivers exactly what it says it will - a healthy, glowing, sheer application, with an infusion of moisture and sun protection.
Unfortunately for me, with extensive discoloration, acne scars and active acne, this product really doesn't work for me. That said, I wanted to try it because Beautycounter's foundation does not have SPF and I'm pretty maniacal about protecting my face from sun damage. I was advised that I could layer this product underneath the tint skin foundation, but I'll be frank in saying that the thicker, somewhat sticky texture of the tinted moisturizer was a bit too heavy for me with additional layers of foundation on top.
I'd say go for this if you truly are looking for something minimal. If you just want SPF, you might want to look into something like the Coola mineral sunscreen for face, which doesn't have a color component.
2) Tint Skin Foundation - $38
This is one of the products that I struggled a lot with formulating my impression on, and I realized it's because the product totally changes based on how you apply it. My current holy grail foundation is the Dior Forever Flawless, and that stuff is best applied with just your fingertips because it's thin and very full coverage. Naturally I tried applying the Tint Skin that way at first, and although it didn't turn out horribly, the experience was so markedly different from my Dior (the consistency is a bit thicker so it blends differently), that it gave me a negative impression of the product. The next day, I tried applying it with a flat foundation brush, but I found this to deliver a streaky application that didn't blend well.
Finally, I decided to give it a shot with the retractable kabuki brush ($32) that my consultant had told me was specifically formulated to work with this product. Although I shouldn't have been, I was surprised to see that this advice actually panned out! I couldn't tell you why, exactly, but the moment I tried patting the foundation onto my skin using the kabuki brush, it went on beautifully! I also tried applying this with a damp Beauty Blender and found that to be an effective means, too.
I'd describe this foundation as medium coverage - it can definitely be sheered out, and with a few layers, can deliver a full-coverage look, although honestly, I'm usually too lazy to wait for each layer to settle in for that. Instead, I just know that when I use this foundation, I'll rely a bit more on my concealer to create a flawless finish.
I'd buy this product if you're looking for something with diverse coverage capabilities, although I'd recommend trying to get color matched in person, rather than experimenting when purchasing online. I'm typically the fairest shade in all foundation ranges, but the fairest color here was too light, even for me. Although the Linen shade (what I landed on) goes on a bit yellow for my coloring, it's something I can easily counteract with the appropriate concealer and finishing powder.
3) Touchup Skin Concealer Pen - $28
If you're a beauty fanatic like me, you'll likely recognize this packaging from the very famous Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat concealer pen. I've never tried that product, but I know it's universally well-loved within the beauty community, and the truth is the packaging is gorgeous, so I see why Beautycounter went for a similar vibe.
That said, they say don't judge a book by its cover for a reason, and I have to admit that in execution, I actually think this packaging is horrific. Let me explain why.
You dispense the product through pushing a button on the bottom of the pen. But unlike a squeeze tube where you control exactly how much comes out, with this you don't know how many times to click the pen until you get the amount of concealer you need. I routinely found myself frustrated because I either accidentally dispensed too little or too much product, and therefore spent so much time clicking the back of the pen and dealing with the mess that ensued that I couldn't focus on the actual concealer.
It turns out, the product itself is pretty good for lightweight coverage. Although I don't think it's heavy duty enough for extensive, long-lasting or thick coverage (again something I need based on my skin type), it definitely does get the job done for small areas.
4) Mattify Skin Finishing Power - $34
Of all the products I was given to try, I've used this one the least because I find loose powders to be so incredibly messy! Beautycounter tries to help with this, by putting a sliding stopper in the packaging, but somehow, I still manage to get it all over the counter every time I apply it.
Packaging aside, this stuff really does a great job of mattifying the skin. I have very oily skin, so for me, this is a life saver! Here's the thing: The website recommends using this on top of your makeup, and I think that's ok to do, but you do have to be careful with how much product you use. Although the powder is described as translucent, I found that if I applied it too heavily, it left a definite white cast on my skin (and I'm pretty pale already).
My second suggestion? Try applying this UNDER your foundation. If your skin is really oily, you could apply it on top of your moisturizer and then apply the foundation. You may just find that it helps your foundation stick to your skin better, and therefore last longer throughout the day.
Overall thoughts
I applaud Beautycounter from here until the end of time for their mission. I believe in it, I support it, and I want to do everything I can to bring awareness to the brand in the hope that more and more women will recognize the chemicals in their products and start choosing safer alternatives.
That said, from trying out their face products, I get the impression that these are designed more for the woman who doesn't like to wear a lot of makeup, prefers a very natural look when she does wear makeup or for a woman that already has beautiful skin. These products are formulated to enhance what you already have, but if you're looking for something with the ability to transform, hide or cover, these products are probably not the best choice for you. I would love to see Beautycounter come out with a face line that provides a broader range of coverage options, but understand that they're bound by their ability to do so while sourcing from ingredients that are healthy and sustainable.
Have you tried any of Beautycounter's makeup products? If so, please let me know what you think below!
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