I've never done CrossFit, and I'll tell you why. Firstly, it intimidates the heck out of me, and as much as I like having my ass-kicked in a workout, I don't like to be pushed to the brink of vomiting or passing out. Secondly, the workouts always seem very tailored to men's preferences. That's probably me stereotyping, but I personally just don't get a lift out of lifting really heavy weights -- I'd much rather slap on my ballet shoes and do fouette turns for an hour.
Of course, I had already trekked to Queen Village, and seeing as there were only four of us bloggers there, I didn't feel like I could turn around and say thanks, but no thanks. So I stuck it out. And you know what, it was actually pretty awesome.
We started with a simple warm up -- a few passes back and forth with high knees, butt kicks, shuffles and sprints, spent a few minutes stretching and then immediately broke up into groups for our circuits. The motto was AMRAP, which was a new term for me, and apparently means "as many repetitions as possible." So rather than shooting for a specific goal, you were literally invited to trust in, and listen to, your own body, pushing to your personal limit.
Circuit two got a little tougher, but was still really fun and challenging. It involved five passes running up and down this fairly steep, long ramp, followed by 10 kettlebell swings. I surprised myself here when I realized, once again, how much power I actually possess in my legs. I've always thought of myself as a bad runner, but I really enjoyed running up (and shuffling down) the ramp. Kettlebells aren't my favorite, simply because I'm terrified of either dropping the thing on my head or it flying out of my hands and killing someone, but I managed to do my reps with the 20-pounder without injuring myself or others, so I count that as a success.
About mid-way through this circuit, I started to feel a bit winded. After the second running pass on the ramp, I found myself reaching for my water bottle more frequently, catching my breath for a few seconds before breaking into the swings and repeating the circuit. Even though I finished feeling a little tired, I had reserves of energy and was prepared to hit the final rotation hard.
Elizabeth accurately portraying how I felt during burpees. |
It's times like these when the individual attention actually becomes a burden, because now I had our instructor Shawn watching me fall apart, and although he kept encouraging me to continue, it didn't feel great to "fail" in front of an instructor. I got through the circuit by taking way more breaks than they probably liked, but I wasn't about to pass out on account of trying to prove myself. Maybe I should have asked for another exercise, who knows.
Of course I was the first to dig in to the food. |
After re-fueling, I left the gym feeling pretty great, and this morning, although my shoulders and legs are a wee bit sore, it's nothing too extreme.
Would I go back and do SweatX again? Maybe, as I can definitely see how the high intensity workout can aid in your athletic performance. And even if you're not aiming to be a better athlete, this workout seems like it would give your body and fitness level a jump start if you feel like your regular routine's leading to a plateau. Plus, with the small group format and awesome instructor to student ratio, it's kind of like getting a personal trainer for just $125-$149 a month (prices vary based on whether you're a Sweat member or not) -- that fee gives you access to all 8 Sweat locations around the city and unlimited SweatX classes.
Overall, I'm glad I tried it and thank our instructors Shawn, DeLonne and Chris for pushing us!
*I received access to a SweatX class for free, as part of a collaboration with the PHL Bloggers group.
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